The good things in life should be shared with others

Our wines are best described as fresh, fruity and very approachable. Just like us. We are open to everyone and wants as many people as possible to be able to enjoy our wine. What's the point of a wonderful bottle of wine if you cannot share it with people who are precious to you? It's the essence of our wines. 

Projekt WINE-PRO povezuje digitalne dvojčke in optimizacijo fermentacije

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Razveselite svoje najbližje in poslovne partnerje z izvirnimi darili

Konec leta je čas, ko si izmenjujemo darila in delimo lepe trenutke z najbližjimi.  Zato smo za vas pripravili novi darilni katalog Puklavec Family Wines, poln odličnih idej za obdarovanje! 

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Discover our wines

There is no excuse for not making the best wine in  the world. The conditions are perfect, the area  is sublime, the winemakers are passionate. Everything is as it should be.

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Visit us

Discover the beauty of our wine-growing region and the endless vineyards on terraced hills. 

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