Discover us and find out how and where we share our passion with our friends.
Razveselite svoje najbližje in poslovne partnerje z izvirnimi darili
Konec leta je čas, ko si izmenjujemo darila in delimo lepe trenutke z najbližjimi. Zato smo za vas pripravili novi darilni katalog Puklavec Family Wines, poln odličnih idej za obdarovanje!
Trend priljubljenosti penin je še vedno v vzponu, zato smo v kleti Puklavec Family Wines pripravili dve novi penini – C'est Bon in Traminec. Poleg mehurčkov sta novi etiketi tudi rdeče vino Modri pinot in arhivski Šipon 1993.
Dragi vinoljubci! V teh izrednih razmerah vam omogočamo, da naročite naša vina ali penine kar preko spleta. Informacije in naročila sprejema naš Marko Zidarič na e-mail: Ostanite doma in ostanite zdravi.
We are presenting our new brand of red wines - Instinct
We launched our new brand for red wines – Instinct, which are produced in our boutique winery in North Macedonia. Excellent red wines from Negotino are complementing our current assortment of white wines from Ljutomer-Ormož hills. You can find four different wines and each of them is presented with an animal that represents wine character: Cabarnet Sauvignon (eagle), Merlot (wolf), Vranec (horse) and Cabarnet Sauvignon Super Premium (eagle, black label).
Enter the world of winter bubbles with the new Ice Edition sparkling wine!
Celebrate winter with our new sparkling wine Ice Edition, which has captured unique and distinctive bubbles in the bottle, covered with milions of glitters.
For the sixth year in a row, we have organized a traditional meeting for friends, business partners, surrounding mayors and well-known Slovenes in the idyllic Malek Zidanica, in the middle of the Jerusalem hills. We started writing the common story in 2014, when we planted furmint vines, followed by the first job in the vineyard, and since 2016 we are now traditionally meeting at the VIP harvest. This time in record number, with as many as 200 guests gathered.